Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Shift The Paradigm

Something occurred to me tonight. Now, many things occur to me on any given night. If most of my friends could see the majority of these things, they'd call the police and ask them to shoot me. If my wife could see half these things, she'd probably wish she'd been born a lesbian Muslim in Indonesia and would never have to worry about meeting white devils such as myself. I'm certain that the inside of most people's heads strongly resemble mine; I'm just a bit more prone to talk about it.

All that being said, what occurred to me tonight isn't that strange, unless you're a Republican. And, let's be honest here, if you're a Republican, you're probably not on my blog site. But, as long as someone's here, I might as well spit it out.

Republicans have been saying something for years, something that makes less and less sense the more I hear it. How often have you heard some Republican steaming about how the "liberal press" is out to get them? One can hardly open a newspaper these days without reading an article by a right-winger stating that the media, undivided, as a whole, is out to get them. (With the glaring exception of their home base, Fox News.)

I've done some thinking on this and I've come to the only conclusion that seems to fit. The "liberal media" is not out to get Republicans. Republicans, due to their beliefs and actions, are out to be gotten.

With such demonic pundits as Ann Coulter on their side, how do they expect not to be attacked? With Rush Limbaugh spewing vitriol into his microphone until he sheepishly admits he's addicted to painkillers, how can Republicans imagine they're viewed as anything but the idealogically bankrupt cons that they are?

The morality that they preach is not a unifying concept. It is not a step towards a peaceful society where all people get along in the pluralistic system of tolerance and mutual respect. It is a call for one, rigid set of ethics and beliefs where everyone is uniform in their acceptance of the status quo. It is a uniquely Caucasian viewpont that would deny criticism and demand blind obeisance as proof of membership. If the niggers and spics and dykes and faggots and slopes want to get along with them, then they need to abandon all their congenital, inherited, cultural, spiritual notions and accept the whitewashed version of the truth that is the only mechanism they will ever recognize.

Folks like Bill Frist and Samuel Alito will never accept counterviewpoints as valid. They will continue to push, like the thoughtless oxen that they are, until America has been hammered into the shape that they desire. And that shape precludes anything other than the strict, honky, Christian ideals that they champion with all the fervor of religious idiots.

So, yeah, liberal or not, the media needs to attack these crackers with every ounce of vigor they possess. We all need to attack, with all the means at our disposal until Republicans can prove they no longer deserve it.

Wake up and resist.


Anonymous said...

I've awoken. I am resisting. Hope you get to read Lapdogs; I'm so sick of the media laying down for conservatives and being afraid to report on FACTS. Every time that Bush links 9-11 and Hussein, the media should reply with FACTS. Every time one of the whack-job Repub senators says that Iraq really DID have WMDs (can you even believe this happens? does!) the media should respond with facts.
Instead, they just play the old he-said-she-said crap and call it a day.
Did you see DeLay's exit speech the other day where he lashed out at his enemies? All you saw reported in the media was what you said; you saw NO analysis of how the facts clearly show a vast crimial pay-to-play conspiracy being run from his office. The guy is guilty as it gets, yet he gets an open-mike to mouth off about those who have transgressed against him. Please! He's a future inmate. Call him out for what he is based on the freaking FACTS.
Fucking media.

481 said...

When you get done with Lapdogs, check out "Attack the Messenger" by Craig Crawford. Excellent look at how the politicians won the war against the media. Not quite as Bush-centric as Lapdogs; a broader view in general. But it states that the real beginning of the media/politician war started in '88, when Dan Rather interviewed then VP Bush, Sr. Also postulates that the father started the war and the son finished it.

The facts don't matter anymore. Most of the media sources have been merged into massive conglomerates that must bow to the bottom line, no matter what. Americans have been so long without real news that they no longer care to find it.