Friday, June 09, 2006

1 , 2...

Not enough time to do much here before work but it seems that is working a bit better.

Just a little something to think about:

The conservative right's mid-term push is well underway. After the dismal failure of the gay marriage amendment ban on Wednesday(which they KNEW wouldn't pass), we had less than 24 hours before the next blitz. The current media frenzy is highly sensationalized coverage of the apparent death of Musab al-Zarqawi. I'm sure you've heard of him. After gays, lesbians, feminists, and athiests, he was one of the biggest terrorist threats to our country. Coincidentally, a three-day AP poll concluded the same day the Zarqawi story surfaced. The poll found that 59% of Americans do not support the war in Iraq.

Now, since the Bush administration knew the gay amendment thing would never fly, what are we left to surmise? It was a simple ploy for simple folk, to show that our witless leaders still care about the burning conservative issues of the day. But to divert everyone's attention right back to the war the next day? Are we really going to buy this? Any of us?

In a time of tumbling approval ratings and declining Republican influence, the right has once again trotted out just what they think we need to see at just the right moment. As usual, it's slightly less compelling that a junior-high production of All the President's Men.

Those were the first two pitches: the gay marriage amendment and the killing of a top terror suspect. Expect a third in the coming days or weeks. An Orange terror alert or the assassination of Saddam Hussein in the courtroom to the great rejoicing of commoners in Iraq. The commoners who are killing our soldiers and not harboring the scattered, impotent remains of the Al-Qaeda network which Zarqawi couldn't mastermind.

Wake up and resist.

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