Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Chair Leg of Truth Does Not Lie

I'm sure you'll notice I've changed the site name again. I'm nothing if not fickle. I've been searching for something with the perfect ring to it; something that strikes the right chord deep inside the meat of my heart.

Of course, I'll wager none of you are familiar with the chair leg of truth. You should be. Warren Ellis has created a masterpiece with his comic Transmetropolitan. I know, I know; most of you are saying "Please. A comic book? That shit's for kids." Give it a try. It's one of the most amazing things I've ever read. The story is fabulous, the artwork is incredible, and the main character, Spider Jerusalem, is everything I wish I could be as an outlaw journalist. Transmetropolitan was the final ingredient in my desire to take up a pen and mount a lifelong attack to find the Truth, always.

This comic ain't no underwear-on-the-outside, muscle-bound festival of multi-colored tights. It has no superheroes or supervillians. It's a story. A real, literate, compelling, dark, hysterical story. You don't even have to buy those pathetic little monthly comics to read it; you know, the stuff that's printed on smudgy newspaper and filled with ads for worthless crap. Transmet has been bound up in ten gorgeous trade paperbacks with no advertising whatsoever. Buy the first two: "Back on the Street," and "Lust for Life." If you're not hooked, me and the chair leg of truth will be there to explain it to you.

Wake up and resist.

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