Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Missing Link

Man, did you guys ever miss out. After I bothered everyone with that e-mail, I sat down and wrote a post. It took about an hour and a half and was one of my better efforts. I was pretty proud of it. It was all about...aahh, you wouldn't be interested.

It's a moot point since goddamn ate it. Wouldn't save it; wouldn't publish it; just made it disappear never to return. Since then I've been wrestling night and day with both the blog and the Dashboard site that allows me to control it. This is the first time in days it's allowed me access to the screen where actual blog-writing takes place. So this little blurb is a trial, just to see if I'll be able to keep posting or if it'll vanish.

Either way, considering all the trouble I've had with the site of late, be on the lookout for another irritating mass e-mail alerting you to my new location. I might be able to stay here, but unless it stops forbidding me to write, it's fairly pointless. Sorry in advance for the pending confusion, as well as my constant whining for someone to come read this stuff.

By the way, I saw in the New York Times today that George Bush has suggested that immigrants learn to speak English. I can only imagine they're thinking he should do the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We will follow.