Monday, June 26, 2006

Sit! Lie Down! Stay!

Peter King (R-NY), who just happens to be the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, is squawking his head off. He is completely furious with the New York Times and wants Bush and his cronies to bring criminal charges against the paper.

The Times only offense, of course, is reporting the news. In this case, breaking a story about how the administration is secretly combing financial records in their never-ending, yet rarely-effective, endeavors to find terrorists.

King is rallying the troops to enforce one of Bush's greatest mandates; crush the press, cow the editors, hamstring the journalists, marginalize the tough reporters until the media presents what we TELL them to present. In the past six years it's worked great. So great, in fact, that the mainstream media eats from Bush's one hand while the other is cocked back in a fist.

This can be easily seen by the Times' carefully contrived explanaion of how they weighed the facts very deliberately before deciding to go ahead and DO THEIR JOB. Their meticulous near-apology to the administraion that hounds them at every turn is a scrap of evidence on the mountain that Bush has created.

Rebublican-controlled Congress is rallying behind the empty cry "Stay the course," while the vast majority of Americans reject this rhetoric, and the media refuses to print anything that will point out its worthlessness.

Wake up and resist.

1 comment:

481 said...

I'm not sure I understand your statement. I think it's fairly obvious that I'm trying to wake up, as well as wake up others if possible. I'm endeavoring to see the truth, and most certainly avoiding most of the masses worthless "clap trap."

Nature, however, is on her own. I am completely in favor of protecting the environment; after all, it's where I live. However, honoring the environment might be stretching it a bit. Protecting and preserving is fine. Worshipping is stupid.