Friday, June 23, 2006

Move the Power, or Lose It Again

I keep thinking I'm going to go to bed. Yet, when I lie down, I'm tortured by visions of a Republican majority continuing its iron-fisted rule of our Congress.

If you don't believe the things I say, if you're still uncertain about the facts that I present to you, do your own research. Don't trust the links I give you, to the right of this column. Don't trust or the Drudge Report or Media Matters. Dig deeper. Ignore the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal and the full-color USA Today and find out for yourself.

If you come up with data, hard-core, real defensible facts that prove I'm wrong, I'll come to your town. And I will personally gerrymander your ass until you don't know up from Democrat or left from weapons of mass destruction. Give up your viewpoint and just look at what's been done. Look objectively and tell me that everything is still OK.

Wake up and resist.


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I'm really enjoying him so far; thought you would too.

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