Friday, June 30, 2006

Enjoy Your Pink Prison Jumpsuit

Good news, everyone!! It looks like a Republican may actually get what he deserves!

Anybody remember Carey Lee Cramer? Hired (through thus-untraceable funds) to create a 2000 TV spot that accused the Clinton-Gore administration of giving China nuclear technologies in return for campaign funds, his head is now on the chopping block. This political consultant's company created a rip-off of President Johnson's televised 1964 "Daisy" attack on candidate Barry Goldwater, implying that he would lead the country to nuclear war.

Cramer, 44, has been convicted on several counts of pedophilia. Specifically, one count of aggravated sexual ASSAULT of a child, two counts of indecency with a child by contact, and one count of indecency with a child by exposure. His accuser is the eight year old girl featured in the 2000 TV ad.

Accused by the little girl he hired to try to convince the world that Clinton had sold nuclear capabilities to China. It's a horrifying thing that children still suffer these abuses, no matter the adult involved; the irony, however, the absolute poetic justice of this instance, is as brutal as it is hideous.

Cramer faces up to 149 years in prison. I do not wish him to be raped in jail. However, I hope he can, through a medical miracle, serve all 149 years. And I hope every day is spent in the fear of imminent rape. Every single day.


Anonymous said...

You have my word; if I ever go to prison, I'll track that man down and rape him.

Foo said...

That's gross

Highly Agitated said...

Be careful if you do. To prevent anal rape, some people insert razors into their rectums. I know it's true because I read it in The Onion.
So last month another former Bush staffer went down for shop lifting at Target, another one got busted for kiddie porn after he had been in charge of the anti-kiddie porn squad, and then there was the gay Republican prostitute posing as a reporter during White House press gaggles...when you couple that with Delay, Abramof, and Cunningham, you realize that the Republicans really are the party of America, as they commit crimes and felonies at every level!