Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I don't know why I didn't realize this sooner, but, yesterday, I was struck by the real reason Bush and Co. are so furious with the New York Times. If the Republican-led administration is riffling bank records, transactions, and studying money trails, of course they wouldn't want anyone to know about it. They're not trying to protect the secrecy of a plan designed to help defend America; no, their reason is much more personal and avaricious. If people get wind of exactly where they're looking, or what they're looking at, it's only a matter of time before the Republicans have to explain the enormous amounts of misbegotten funds, illicit bribes, and laundering schemes they've buried.

Here are some interesting facts that probably won't be investigated for signs of financial terrorism ties:

George H.W. Bush is a Senior Advisor for the Carlyle Group, a shadowy equity management firm. They have long done business with the Saudis. If I remember correctly, nearly all of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi Arabian. Carlyle, using the Bush's deep connections in Saudi Arabia, has done business with members of the bin Laden family before and after 9/11. Why aren't these funds being traced? Is it not curious that the country that produced most of our 9/11 attackers has strong business ties to our ruling class?

Also, Halliburton signed $73 million worth of contracts with Iraq while Dick Cheney was the CEO. It was done sneakily, through two subsidiary companies so it didn't break any UN regualtions, but it was done. Cheney himself has admitted that the company did business with Libya and Iran as well.

Now, I'm sure all the huge corporations (if there are any) that don't feature a prominent right-wing politician or one of his rich benefactors will have their bank records thoroughly pilfered if they've had any dealings such as the ones described above. But I'm equally sure that Cheney, Bush Sr., his idiot child and all his friends will remain above the fray.

Wake up and resist.


Highly Agitated said...

I accidentally saw 5 minutes of Fox News earlier. The BIG debate is over the NYT. The text underneath the talking heads actually read: "Should the NYT be punished for undermining the War on Terror?"

See an assumption in the statement?

Great listing of the facts, Purple. I seem to recall that Bush Sr. was actually having breakfast with one of bin Laden's older brothers the morning of 9/11, and just before Bush had the entire bin Laden clan picked up from around the country and flown out of the U.S. without any interrogation at all.

No, just a bunch of bin Laden's syblings; nothing to see here. Move along, Americans. And focus your energy on real issues, like flag burning.

481 said...

You are correct,sir. On the morning of 9/11, Thug Sr. was eating at the Ritz-Carlton in D.C. with Shafig bin Laden. They were there on Carlyle bidness. Shame he and all the other bin Ladens had to be secretly flown home on Sept. 12. A gaggle of them even left from Lexington's airport.

481 said...

You are correct,sir. On the morning of 9/11, Thug Sr. was eating at the Ritz-Carlton in D.C. with Shafig bin Laden. They were there on Carlyle bidness. Shame he and all the other bin Ladens had to be secretly flown home on Sept. 12. A gaggle of them even left from Lexington's airport.

Highly Agitated said...

What pisses me off is that someday my grandkids are going to ask me how we ever let a flagrant criminal and his incompetent minions take over the country, and they're going to assume that I had a part in it. That's why I hope these blogs hold up over time. I want proof that I was not one of the idiot sheep that fell for the lies.

481 said...

Truly, though, what choice did we have in the selection? W, Jeb, and K. Harris outright stole the first election when the majority of voters chose Gore. I can't think of anyting to tell your grandkids when the conventional right-wing wisdom was summed up (in bumper sticker form) after the first election: "Bush won. Get over it."

People this short-sighted and easily led cannot be reasoned with. Unfortunately for them, the NRA has guaranteed me, a liberal, angry, left-wing, unpublished, unsung pundit fairly lax gun restrictions.

Since the right seems to understand the politics of bullets pretty well, it may be time to turn their own policies against them.

(just in case the CIA [hi, Mr. Hayden!!] is listening, or I'm already on one of their many lists, I'm totally kidding about shooting Republicans.)