Friday, June 23, 2006

And Another Thing

Ann Coulter has written a quadrilogy of horror. Her books, How To Talk to a Liberal (If You Must): The World According to Ann Coulter; High Crimes and Misdemeanors: the Case Against Bill Clinton; Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right; and Godless: The Church of Liberalism are basically one, venomous, repetitive essay. With more poison than I could ever imagine having, they chronicle The Left's adamant refusal to submit to the long, Christian, kiss goodnight, with a false eye for detail that would make a viper blush.

I urge all of you to read at least one of these books; it doesn't matter which, they're all the middle part of a magnificently misguided attempt to shepherd the faithful back into the houses they're already afraid to leave. From what I've seen of Coulter's prose, she's driving liberals away from neo-conservative ideals in much the same manner that Vincent Price repelled vampires from the throats of countless virgins. She wields the same cross, the same stilted dialogue and outdated morals that Price espoused as he ranted on the silver screen.

All that being said, I've never actually read any of her books. I've seen the talking points highlighted on news feeds and I've noticed her Skeletor-like visage on various broadcasts, but I've never managed to watch one of her political bottle rockets to its underwhelming conclusion.

But we should. We, as the resistance, should have more than her bizarre interview responses nestled in our brains. We need to know our enemy. We should devour at least one of her books so that we know not only the true face of cartoon hatred, but its words as well.

I'm working on it. I imagine that sometime within the next few months, I will have the necessary shots and fortitude to bear Ann Coulter's specific brand of stylized, middle class rage. I'm trying to abide by the advice I give you: Don't grant her too much power. Read her books the same way you'd read any under-educated, semi-retarded kid's efforts at a cogent argument. Crack off a Guinness and be prepared to laugh. Don't get too heavy with the red pen, though; if you do, you'll lose all sense of perspective as well as your sense of humor.

This is the stuff that Middle America reads before it goes to bed. This is what it wakes up with before it encourages Beltway snipers to begin picking us off. Pump your gas quickly, my friend, because your empty head could be next.

Wake up and resist.


Highly Agitated said...

If you read Coulter's divisive, hateful schlock, make sure to also read one of the many fact-checking sites to understand the magnitude of her out-of-context information and blatant distortions of the truth. You really can't appreciate how dishonest she is without reading the background information about her selective memory, selective quoting, and manipulative paraphrasing.

Just for a primer, please check out this link to see how Al Franken vitiated some of her intentional lies and omissions when he and Coulter appeared together some months back:

481 said...

Good advice. When I finally take that deep breath and belly up to one of her hate-fests, I'm gonna need the real facts right beside me to calm me down. Other than the link you included, what are some good, reliable fact-checking sites?

Anonymous said...

The delightful hand of fate had Ann Coulter and George Carlin on the same Jay Leno show a couple of nights ago, did anybody see that? It was gorgeous. She kept sniping at him, and the look on his face as he did indeed manage to keep his mouth shut was one not to be missed. That woman is a viper.

Anonymous said...

Ann Coulter's methods are nothing more than name-calling dressed up as discourse and that is childish and despicable. With that said, Ann Coulter is a shrieking harpy of a cunt with an adam's apple.

Anonymous said... is a great site for tracking lies by all sorts of mendacious pricks. For Coulter-specific vivisection, I'd do a Google search or two, because I know they're out there. -Z