Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I'm Sorry. I Couldn't Hear You Over Fox News

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said yesterday that terrorists are "...actively manipulating the media in this country." He also mentioned that "They can lie with impunity."

Holy rabid dogshit. The irony is so colossal it's sublime. It actually goes beyond words.

Well, except for these:

-Karl Rove leaked the identity of Valerie Plame to the press in order to hamstring her husband, Joseph Wilson, who was a vocal critic of the Administration.

-After Bush "won" in 2004, all the talk was about how he got more votes than any other candidate in history. Few sources mentioned he was voted against more than any other candidate as well.

-The Bush Administration gave the Washington Post an exclusive story during John Roberts' confirmation hearings about how many of his previous government writings wouldn't be released for scrutiny. The Post had to promise not to contact Democrats to hear their side of the story.

-The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth's smear campaign against John Kerry was a totally fabricated charade. Experts and eye-witnesses across the board punched countless holes in their ridiculous claims. The media never registered it.

-Scott Ritter, a former senior weapons inspector, proclaimed loud and clear that Saddam did not have WMD's and the cause for war was bogus. The media published every comment in regards to his insanity, his treachery, his lies and his "defense" of Saddam Hussein. They never mentioned that he was completely fucking right.

-A correspondent for Ireland's national broadcasting service, Carole Coleman had her White House press credentials revoked after she asked Bush tough, honest questions about the worsening violence in Iraq. Questions the neutered watchdogs inside the Beltway would never ask.

-The news media gave us countless stories during the Terry Schiavo controversy about how "divided" our nation was, how much of a "furious debate" was going on. No one mentioned that the overwhelming majority in America believed her husband had final say.

-John Kerry's war record was viciously attacked, even after it was proven to be accurate and honest. The media never bothered to get to the bottom of Bush's missing years in the Air National Guard, nor was there any fuss made when he didn't release his entire record to be investigated.

-As Bush visited New Orleans over the last two days, the media very gently pointed out that some folks refute his claims of competently handling the Katrina disaster. Very few came right out and said that the facts and statistics entirely belie the notion that they did anything helpful. Fewer still pointed out that the Administration seemed to actively make the situation worse, especially if you happened to be black.

-The media made very little of the fact that Bush refused to speak to the NAACP for the past six years.

-In recent months, Bush has often travelled the country without a press plane in tow. By leaving the press at home, it ensures that his comments and actions at various fundraisers and social events attended by his rich, white brethren go completely unnoticed.

-Then, of course, there's the little matter of him stealing the election in 2000. The righteous anger the press displayed during Watergate and Bill Clinton's ridiculous impeachment was nowhere to be found. Nor were tenacity, willpower or investigative journalism.

All politicians lie. All Administrations manipulate the media. But for Rumsfeld to have the temerity to tell us that the terrorists are meddling with the facts is a new acme of arrogance. And a lot of people will believe him because they read it in the paper.

I don't think these guys respect my intelligence or opinion anymore.

Wake up and resist.


Highly Agitated said...

I hear ya. It's infuriating that the press acts like nothing more than stenographers most of the time.

When important people make bold assertions, the press should be challenging them and comparing their statements to facts and the opinions of other genuine experts.

They don't do this with Bush because they're afraid of being labeled unpatriotic and unAmerican when, as will surely happen, much of what this administration says turns out to be utter bullshit.

It all gets me highly agitated.

Anonymous said...

Well, I WAS in a good mood. We need to get out and WORK before this next election.We have to use November to neuter this unleashed bulldog.