Monday, September 18, 2006

The Passion of Christ's Vicar on Earth

The Pope is the new Mel Gibson. Thank Buddha, cause I was getting tired of hearing about the old one. Now, whenever I see "news" somewhere, it's about the Pope's comments on Islam that, unsurprisingly, have outraged the entire Muslim world. When you think about it though, what in our global society doesn't outrage the majority of Muslim countries?

The Pope made a very cogent statement. He referenced a medieval Christian scholar who maintained that the prophet Muhammad brought only evil into the world. Unfortunately, that's pretty much true. Of all the founders of the world's so-called religions, Muhammad stands out as a bloodthirsty warrior bent on spreading his "prophecy" by violence, and no other means.

In 610, Muhammad said the angel Gabriel gave him revelations from Allah. He began preaching in Mecca of One God and that he, Muhammad, was his prophet. The folks in Mecca were having none of it. Even his uncle Abu Lahab, thought Muhammad was out of his tree. Eventually, Muhammad cursed his uncle and his wife. This curse is still a part of Islam's holy book: "May the hands of Abu Lahab perish! May he himself perish! Nothing shall his wealth and gains avail him. He shall be burnt in a flaming fire, and his wife, laden with faggots, shall have a rope of fibre around her neck!" (Qur'an 111:1-5)

After leaving Mecca in 622, Allah's boy ended up in a town close by called Medina (as in, Funky Cold). A group of warriors there accepted his claims of prophecy and pledged their allegiance to him. These were the first Muslims. Muhammad led them against the Quraysh, his former people of Mecca. They raided the caravans that passed by on the way to what would become Islam's most holy city. The city that more or less exiled the founder of Islam for being a dangerous lunatic.

In one massive battle that pitted Muhammad's three hundred Muslims against one thousand of the Quraysh, the prophet routed his enemies. Most of their leaders were captured or killed. One of the leaders, Uqba, begged Muhammad for his life. "Who will look after my children, O Muhammad?" he asked.

"Hell," Muhammad told him, and executed his heathen ass.

This battle formed many important tenets of the developing Muslim philosophy. One was that piety was more important than numbers. Allah's faithful would be protected, no matter the odds. This is especially worrisome now, when many Muslims across the planet feel they have been backed into a corner. Another disturbing point is "It was not ye who slew them; it was Allah." (Qur'an 8:17) Muslims don't kill people; God kills people.

All this is the beginning of what many still insist is a tolerant, loving religion. Can anything that was founded in such bloodshed ever achieve peace? After destroying most of Mecca's forces, Muhammad moved on to the Jews. Because they maintained their own faith, and rejected Islam, he began having key Jewish figures assassinated. Eventually, he issued the overarching command: "Kill any Jew that falls into your power."

Muhammed revealed to his followers the iron-clad, inerrant words of Allah that stated those who reject Islam are "the vilest of creatures." (Qur'an 98:6) They neither deserve nor are given mercy. I've made this point before, but I've got to make it again. Politically correct folks like to say that Muslims who practice the most vicious brand of their religion are "radical." This is not the case. What the world calls "radical Islam," is actually just "Islam." Those who kill non-believers, martyr themselves to destroy their enemies, and refuse to make the slightest concessions or compromises are true Muslims. They don't pick and choose passages from the Qur'an; they don't believe what they like and avoid the murderous stuff; they don't pretend their religion was born out of love. They know the truth. Islam was created by a bandit who plundered the tribes of the Middle East. He demanded total obeisance to Allah and anything less was punishable by death. He had dozens of wives, some only nine years old, none of whom was ever permitted to be anything but a wife, a possession. He was bent on spreading the word of Allah by the only methods that lies can be spread: murder, deceit, mayhem and overwhelming hostility.

The Qur'an doesn't just condone the most hideous behavior we've seen from some of the world's Muslims; it DEMANDS it. Ibn Warraq, a former follower, has said that while there are indeed moderate Muslims, Islam itself is not moderate.

The Pope was right, and now he's having to make amends because PC apologists won't allow the truth to be spoken of Islam. Muslims are to be deferred to and accepted and embraced, not misunderstood and feared. I understand perfectly, however, and I hope others do, as well. The only "radical" Islam is that which we in the West respect. The watered-down version that allows its proponents to live in peace with others. Real Islam is the edge of a sword. True Muslims still believe that the world will one day be completely under the rule of Allah; truly submissive to his forces. After all, that's what the word Islam means: submission.

I never thought I'd say this, but I totally support the Pope's statement, and I'm appalled that he's being forced to apologize. Muhammad did indeed bring only darkness and evil into the world. It lives on to this day, growing more vicious and intolerant. If something isn't done to quell its influence, darkness and evil may conquer all.

Wake up and resist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is the problem with this article? It's brilliant and stirring, yes, but it's too late in coming you lazy bastard! You have made these point before and this was the perfect opportunity to voice them on a fresh issue but you waited too long. People today have attention spans that can only be measured in nanoseconds. Good work, though, and informative.