Tuesday, August 01, 2006

It's Like They Don't Even Respect Us

As if more evidence was needed in the campaign to unseat the GOP criminals in power, we get this:


Just read today's post and then tell me the Republicans are even a bit concerned about what we think or whether they get caught. They know that, no matter our opinion, our shock, our outrage, even getting nabbed stuffing money into their pockets or stuffing dead hookers into holes, they cannot be touched.

Ziggy over at www.highlyagitated.blogspot.com brought this article to my attention today. I'm sure he, like the rest of us, is newly overwhelmed by the sense of frustrated impotence this brings. I've learned never to believe I've seen it all; never to think I can't be freshly agape at these antics or offended by the moral superiority.

A moral superiority, by the way, that has Joe Lieberman attacking Ned Lamont's wife and the Bush Administration classifying Wal-Mart as a small business so they can sneak them an extra check or two and call it helping out the underdog.

My disgust knows no bounds. I would rather see the Dems take back Congress in November and wander aimlessly around for a few months than see this deceitful, arrogant, fascist bullshit continue for one more hour.

Wake up and resist.

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