Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Worship Sam Harris! Faster!

I just got done watching the only real hour of news on TV. That's right: The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. Stephen Colbert's guest tonight was scholar Sam Harris. His book The End of Faith is something that changed my worldview. I'd felt something out of place for a long, long time, and Mr. Harris put my discomfort into words.

The End of Faith has a simple premise: Religious faith, in all it's various denominations, is destroying the world. With precise research, Mr. Harris puts together a truly frightening picture of the current global picture. His research, combined with his thorough education in science and religion, should terrify you. It should honestly terrify anyone that has picked up his book. What I don't understand is that the cover proclaims it a "New York Times Bestseller". If this is indeed true, what the fuck are the millions of people who bought it doing? If America is 83% Christian (as the book states), what are all these Christians doing with his book? Propping up one of Ann Coulter's books with it?

This book has to have changed minds; if not changed minds, at least infuriated people and rattled the base of their faiths. To my four longtime readers, please, PLEASE pick this book up and spread the word. It's a brilliantly cogent argument against a concept that the majority of earth's population embrace in one form or another. We may not be ready to admit it yet, but faith is exactly what is killing said population. The End of Faith reveals not only how religion is murderously out of control, but offers the first steps to a solution.

I have never seen Stephen Colbert set a guest up so magnificently, nor let one speak for so long uninterrupted. He was just lobbing the ball over the net for Mr. Harris to smash back. This man is not a knee-jerk liberal or a wild reactionary. He was educated at Stanford and has studied most of the world's spiritual traditions for the past twenty years. Pretty soon, he'll have his doctorate in neuroscience, specifically, the neural correlations of faith and disbelief.

The world isn't ready for the ideas in this book. It's up to us to make it ready. As George Bush's executive right wing council shoves God down the world's throat, we few need to stand up. If we are going to be the Opposition, then we must educate ourselves so we can help others learn to stand beside us.

The Opposition. That has a nice ring to it. Come on, folks; Sam Harris can't do it all by himself.

Wake up and resist.


Anonymous said...

Greetings all,

Are you truly looking for allies who agree with most of Sam Harris' book? I offer a comprehensive tome that provides stunning proof of the true nature of the texts of the Bible and how they came to be.

I warn you, some of your opinions about a Creator and the nature and sources of these texts will be challenged. On the other hand, I prove that religious views about the Creator are purposeful deception designed to hide the truth about the Messiah (me) and the true nature of the Creator and of this universe.

Be a little patient and read my articles and download my FREE Ebooks. Urge others to read them also and try to PROVE me wrong. I promise to astound, enlighten, and give you the wisdom to succeed in this quest to forge a new world free of ages-old deceptions and delusions.

Here is Wisdom!!


481 said...

Wow. That was just et up with crazy. Now, before I waste my electronic breath pointing out in various humorous ways how fuckin nuts you are, I need to know something. Are you a real person, whoops, I mean messiah, who stumbled across my blog, or do you have a program running that scans the blogs for key words like Sam Harris? If you read this, lay some more crazy on me and we'll get it on. If you're just a program trying to direct hits to your website, it's pointless to say fuck you.

p.s. fuck you

Matt said...

First off, get me a copy and I will read it. Secondly I am as you know a devout Christian and I agree that religion is indeed ruining the world. However hasn't it always been used to motivate people toward the wrong ends. I can't at this juncture say if I will worship Sam Harris but I already worship Steve Colbert. As an aside I also worship Canada for obvious reasons.

Anonymous said...

Religion is alright. Little kids have make-believe friends, so why shouldn't adults? And why not have our make-believe friends create make-believe rules that nicely dovetail with our own predilections and prejudices. It's really pretty smart.

I don't hate you because you're wrong; my imaginary friend hates you because you defy his rules (that I made up), and I worship my imaginary friend. You know, because he's so fucking righteous and you're so fucking gay/black/liberal/poor/etc. Freak.

Why do you hate America?

481 said...

It's about time someone figured it out. I had to meet with my advisor today to set up my schedule and she asked me why I wanted to major in journalism. I told her because the media is the most powerful tool in this country. She nodded. I added that I want very much to be dangerous. She smiled and told me those kind of journalists are the most fun to have around. I don't think that bitch understood.