Sunday, April 09, 2006

Get Down On It

It has recently been brought to my attention that I might, in fact, blog like old people fuck. Ziggy, I know you don't have a dog in this race, except it gives you an excuse to look something up at the office before you have to actually get down to work. Considering Jes has much better taste than you do, I can't imagine she'd bother herself with this paltry little masturbation exercise before she starts making some headway in the day's bidness. And, speaking of bidness, what exactly are you accomplishing at home? Your woman's lip seems to be running independently of your control. She spoke to me several times about her "ideas" about raising YOUR son. Dig in, Trench. The masculine movement needs you. If I have to put on my red pimp suit and come up there, everyone's gonna be sorry.

Since we're talking about masculinity, Tom Delay naturally comes to mind. The once and future king of the GOP has told us all that he'll be stepping down over the next few months. I can only imagine that he'll step further down as the DA gets closer and closer to the financial and political missteps that ol' Tommy took to get to where he is. Chief of Staff: busted. Top aides: busted. Steps taken to crush Texas' Democrats into a gerrymandered, confused minority twaddle: duly fuckin noted. And the nerve, the absolute, in-your-face, audacity of this man is unbelievable. To state that he's stepping down so that the Democratic party will not be ablt to attack and fill his position with a lesser candidate is as ludicrous as insisting that the Bush administration didn't pay to have over 100,000 Florida voters disenfranchised. Tom Delay, of Texas, is resigning his post because, much like Enron, he has hidden the details of his insolvency to the degree that his ass is now grass. He has helped structure the Republican party to its newest exteme; an extension of the right-wing religious organization that is working at its peak to kill science in your child's classroom, and your own rights at home. God is on Tom Delay's side, and he will not hesitate to tell you the same. Since the Bush regime illegally seized control of this nation, the religious right has been striving to remove dollars from your pocket and place them in the coffers of "faith based initiatives". Tom Delay is one of the people that has been assuring this regime that the right people are in the right places at the right times.

One would think that to have this walking, lying, enemy of the state out of office is a step in the right direction. One could, however, be wrong. Keep in mind that this administration has railroaded every opponent out of DC, and raised to iconic stature people of color that share their elitist, white agenda. Witness the exit of Colin Powell and the rise of Condoleeza Rice. I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear Tiger Woods nominated for a Supreme Court appointment.

To the four people that read this blog, I am certain you know that you no longer have any power. As the gap between the hugely rich and everyone else widens, what are we going to do now? Bush's latest tax cuts in 2003, which pertained to investement capital, are finally showing pollable results. Of the 63oo Americans that make over ten million bucks a year, they saved an average of 525,000 dollars. The 62,000,000 Americans that make under 5o,ooo dollars a year; yeah, they saved 425 dollars. If there's anyone out there that is still willing to defend Bush against the allegations of being the worst big-money, big-business, pro-corporate tycoon that the US has ever seen, I welcome your arguments.

Please forward all of your comments to the Halliburton Corporation, which has recently won a no-contest bid to host a site pertaining to criticisms of the president. The fee is bearable and all proceeds go directly to disenfranchising your future votes.


Anonymous said...

Wow, dude. Nailed to the floor on that one. I was just sitting here at work thinking, "I don't feel like working...maybe I'll check Purple's blog and see what's up..." Alright, alright. I'm back to it. I know when I'm bested. Kudos.

481 said...

Jes told me somethin else last weekend I thought you might want to check out. Did you know your kid's black?

Anonymous said...

What's weird is that our mailman is black, too...

We've joked about getting X a t-shirt that says, "Mommy cheated on Daddy."