Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter (And by Easter, I Mean Zombie Day)!!

Just a little something to think about as you go about your business this fine Zombie Day, Year of Our Lord, 2006.

If we are created in God's image, as the Bible says, are we more like God, or is he more like us? The reason I ask this is simple; If one praises God for all the good in one's life, yet doesn't assign blame for all the bad, or even beseech him to let up a little, where is the accountability? If one takes all the fabulous with a big grin and a "Boy thankya!", yet just humbles down and eats the shit, too, why shouldn't the rest of life be like that?

When God smiles, you smile back. When he pisses all over you, you just take it with a "that's life" kind of attitude. What a bizarre way to run a universe. What if we all did that, you fools? Let's say you work for a big-ass company, and let's say that company's name is...oh, I don't know...Enron. When you're the executive VP and all the numbers are great, you get slaps on the back (as well as ludicrous bonuses). When you fuck up and cover up the bad numbers, thus screwing a whole fuckton of employees out of a lot of cash, you have to go to court. Well, some of you have to go to court. All right...TWO of you have to go to court. The point is, why couldn't those guys, whom I bet were all good Christians, just shrug and go, "Hey, that's life." If we were made like God, and God is praised for the world's goodness, but totally exculpated for the suffering, why aren't we?

Best case scenario for us humans; we are allowed to tell our subordinates (of which I have none) that all the world's pain corresponds to our mysterious plan, and they must have blind faith in this plan, because they are not advanced enough to view the tiniest bit of it. Ever.

Try explaining that to your kids.

Happy Zombie Day! Watch out for Jesus; all he wants is brains!

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