Friday, March 17, 2006


Dag. One frickin day in a row of blogging. Surely I can do better. Seriously, I feel you. You're out there saying, "Shit, dog; if you're trying to go back to school for journalism, maybe your ass oughtta practice havin something to say." Well, fuck you. Basketball's on.


Anonymous said...

Now that UK athletics is out of my hair until football season, I can rest peacefully. Now get back to blogging!

481 said...

Oh, you'll smoke a turd in hell for that one.

Anonymous said...

Still waiting....

Just waiting on you little girl...

Anonymous said...

Jesus fuck, Purple. You going for once a month or what? Not that it burns my ass or anything, but I think some accountability is needed here. Just because you own a red pimp suit don't give you no right to treat your blogging like you treat yo women.