Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Every Day

I'm trying to make myself write every day. Even if it's just a bit (which it will be today), or completely insensate (which it will be almost always). I need to sharpen up my writing skills and get more proficient at organizing my thoughts. For some reason, longhand never does it. I can type so much faster than I can scribble; it's easier to keep up with my mind this way.

The main reason I feel I should improve my writing is because I think I've decided to go back to school. I say "think" because several things need to fall perfectly into place for my finances to take this massive hit. I'm applying to EKU, to their Communications department. Specifically, the Journalism program, hence the need to work on my skillz. Which, hopefully, will end up payin da billz.

I'm tired of being unskilled, undereducated, and underpaid. When I was 22 I thought, "Of COURSE I can wait tables the rest of my life. I don't want a REAL job anyway; I wanna stick it to the man. Or at least avoid him." Well, it turns out the man is where you find him, and I'm finding him more and more in the restaurant biz. It's all so unrewarding: financially, emotionally, spiritually. There's just nothing there. And it's obvious I'm not going to accidentally become "that guy". You've met one of "those guys", I'm sure. We all have. They start telling you some convoluted story about who they know and how they met, how they go way back and lost touch for a while. Then they reconnected and the other guy was rich with a kick ass job. He hooked his uneducated, talent-less bro up with a bitchin job that makes no sense to you. You know; he's the Acting Vice-President of Inter-Firm Communication and Computer File Relocation. He works from home, in his boxers, about two hours a day and gets paid 100,000 a year. That guy.

I'm not going to luck into that. Or, at least, I'm tired of waiting. So back to school with me, just like Billy Madison. Unfortunately, right now, it's back to my shitty bartending job. More later.

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