Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I don't feel very original today. Here are some folks who say it better than I do anyway:

"Like a good scientist, a Buddhist is ready to throw away any belief he or she holds the second it becomes clear that that belief conflicts with reality."

-Brad Warner

"Nothing is sacred. Doubt - in everything - is absolutely essential. Everything, no matter how great, how fundamental, how beautiful, or important it is, must be questioned."

-Brad Warner

"If faith could be looked upon as a flashing sword cutting through all confusion and doubts, belief could be considered that same sword in its scabbard."

-Albert Low

"If you stick to an idea or an image of God and if you do not touch the reality of God, one day you will be plunged into doubt."

-Thich Nhat Hanh

"The way lies in not doing, yet nothing is left undone."

-Lao Tzu


Anonymous said...

"I am seriously about to go spray three sheets of pink diarrhea all over that bathroom." - Purple

"I'm not as dumb as I look am I?" - My Dad.

481 said...

God, I miss your dad.

Foo said...

"My shit always works sometimes!" -Martin Lawrence

Anonymous said...

just found you, been reading back thru... seriously, man, gravity is STILL just a theory.