Sunday, November 27, 2005

Here We Go

Hello, all. And by "all", I mean, any who happen to stumble across this blog and wonder "where do I get the drugs HE's on?"

I've never blogged before. Frankly, the term sounds quite lewd. Perhaps these will all be scatological references: Dear god, Alice, I barely know her, how could we have ever blogged? With any luck, this blog will turn out like the movie "Pump Up the Volume". If you haven't seen it you should give it a gander. Christian Slater at his best, which, some will say, is still not good enough. Anyway, his character starts a pirate radio station way out in the crunchy, sandy boonies. Every night he goes on the air and pretends he's talking to thousands of people, humbly imagining that maybe a few hear him. Turns out, his whole damn high school is listining, rapt, as he goes bugfucking insane and gives TRUE meaning to their desultory, conformist lives. He is elevated to iconic status. Of course, he goes to jail. But, I do believe these blogs are sanctioned by the FCC, which was Christian's major problem towards the end of the film.

Right. So perhaps thinking that a few people will read and respond to this is over and above the optimistic attitude. After all, I only found this blog cuz Brad Warner has one here. The only reason I discovered that is because he has a website, all his own, totally seperate from the blogshpere. The reason he has a website is cuz he is a Zen priest, and wrote a fabulous book called "Hardcore Zen". He wrote this tome because he didn't want people to go on thinking that Zen Buddhism was the namby-pamby, transcendent-vision oriented, granola-crusted hippie idea that was wallowing on the shelves of most bookstores. "Hardcore Zen" was a spiritual bitch-slap to my callow white face. It put me on the road to sanity, can I get a hallelujah?

So: I found this site because of Brad. However scattered his following may be, they are there. He is, after all, a priest. He did, as mentioned, write a book. People, however misguided (myself among them), adore him. I read his book. I went to his website. I got the link to his blog. It said "Hey, start your OWN blog, dude! Get OUT there, man! Begin blogging posthaste!" So here I am. No priesthood. No book. Nothing to offer except rant after rant aimed at the truth.

I am a Zen student. Quite the opposite of the X-Files, we're taught that the truth is "in there". Not personal truth. Not relative truth. Not the truth that may be used in certain situations and discarded in others. I'm talkin bout the TRUTH can I get a hell yeah?

TRUTH is universal. It is black on one side and white on the other. The only gray comes from the fuzzy area in the middle where our understanding is not great enough to become one of the two. TRUTH is just as true in Zimbabwe as it is in Canada. There is no difference in its expression from Chile to Mongolia. I don't care what continent, what province, what state, what locality, what nation or precinct you are, TRUTH is the shit. It don't change from Pluto to Mercury, it ain't no different in Heaven or Hell.

This here blogsite if for TRUTH explorin. I'm not a holy man; I'm barely a spiritual man. But my understanding of TRUTH grows everyday, and I'm here to share it. I want feedback, I want dissenting opinions, I want snuffling and drunkening and bad-ass darkling. Bring it. We will find the honest light of the TRUTH together and drag the ignorant into its perfect blaze.

This is, of course, assuming that soemone, sometime, will read this silly shit. If not, it 's back to sacrificing puppies for me.

yours in the dharma,


1 comment:

481 said...

Stacey called me this morning to tell me. Didn't say what happened though. Are you OK with this? I know you hated it; I hate the fuck outta my job, too, but losing it would kinda screw up some shit.

I ain't gonna tell you to look on the bright side. That's for nimrods that can't handle life. There's nothing wrong with just accepting a negative experience and seeing where it leads.

If there's anyting I can do for you or your family, let me know. Keep me updated on what's going on, what you're doing.