Monday, November 28, 2005

Eat it!

I seem to have made a mistake in my last post. I don't sacrifice PUPPIES. God, no. Puppies are cute and fuzzy and playful and they can almost smile with thier precious little faces. I sacrifice GUPPIES. Who cares about guppies? I mean, they're just fish, and little fish at that.

I've heard, through various people and their sundry "scientific" references, that fish don't feel pain. I don't really see how this can be, as I'm fairly certain fish have a brain and a central nervous system, the two main components required to feel pain. I could be wrong, however, and I would welcome the TRUTH. I could probably find out for myself on that devilish tool, the Internet, but, I'm busy.

Anyway, fish don't feel pain. Or their memories only last for 30 seconds at a time, so they don't remember suffering. Or perhaps they understand that their pain is helping them to get rid of their negative karma. Whatever rationale you want to try to use, I've yet to have anyone properly explain to me why they call themselves a vegetarian and still eat fish. I understand people who say "I only eat fish. No red meat, no chicken, no pork or ostrich or cat or panda." That makes perfect sense. Fish is healthy.

Also, I understand vegetarians. "I don't eat meat. I don't like a big ol critter having to die so that I can live." No problem there. Eat your tofu, I don't care. You should know, however, that millions of insects are killed in making even one acre of land available to grow vegetables. So it's quite impossible to live without killing. I do, however, respect the step that vegetarians have taken. I wish I could take it.

But what the hell is wrong with people who say they're vegetarians but they eat fish? These people are dopes. Have you ever talked to one? I've met some who actually say that fish isn't MEAT. How in the shiny blue fuck could FISH not be MEAT? You are eating the FLESH of an ANIMAL. Come on, you're just being asinine. I am here to assure you, one hundred percent, that fish is composed entirely of meat.

What a ludicrous argument. What's the point? If you only eat fish, then just accept it. Vegetables and fish is a healthy diet. Don't try to cloak yourself in righteousness by claiming pure vegetarian status. When you get right down to it, deep in the muck of existence, there is absolutely no distinction of nobility between a vegetarian and an omnivore. Being pround of what you eat, or don't eat, is stupid.

Eat whatever you like. It's possible to eat pounds of meat every day and be a deeply compassionate person concerned with the welfare of all beings. It's also possible to only eat vegetables and be a sanctimonious, smug prick. It's your mindset, motivation, and intentions that are crucial.

All that being said, I hope to have the motivation someday to become a vegetarian. I appreciate the decision and the lifestyle. But fish? Fuck fish. Eat the hell out of em. Fuck vegans, too. You can eat them but they taste like dirt.

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