Thursday, August 03, 2006

I Dare You To Care

I doubt you need me to point this out, but all national news media are forsaking most actual breaking news in order to bring you constant, uninterrupted, methodically stupid coverage of what Mel Gibson has done, is doing, and will be doing.

I know it may seem counterintuitive, but, if you are concerned with actual NEWS, I urge you to get your information from a source that doesn't place Mel Gibson as a priority.

I'd also like to point out that, as news pours in from around the world, as the international media is swamped with information about Israel and Hezbollah, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the failing health of Fidel Castro, and crazy fuckers in Korea with the bomb, as well as much more, we are listening to around the clock coverage pertaining to a gentlemen who matters very little in the big scheme. Someone whose comments matter even less, considering the overwhelming anti-Semitism, sexism, and general jackassery that we observe on a worldwide scale every day. In case you've been captivated by Fox News or MSNBC or CNN or any "news" channel that insists on reporting the whereabouts, mental status, or forgiveness level of one Mel Gibson, I will gladly tell you why that's not important:

1) Mel Gibson lives in America.

I know that doesn't mean much to a lot of folks these days, but it means a FUCK of a lot to me. We don't live in a police state, nor do we live in a true theocracy, at least not yet.

2) Mel Gibson lives in America.

A lot of shit happens here. I can't imagine caring less what Mel Gibson does. Unless, of course, the NSA has discovered that he might be a terrorist, in which case we should raise the Terror Alert Level to Smokin Burnt Umber.

3) Mel Gibson lives in America.

Here, we are free to hate, despise, or criticize whomever we please. Defamation and libel suits aside, we may publicly deride on the Internet, on the airwaves, in books and magazines, or with really big fucking signs, the race, religion or gender of anyone. I'm not sticking up for ignorance here; I'm sticking up for freedom. Any kind of prejudice, whether inbred or learned is despicable. But no one can remove these rights.

4) Mel Gibson lives in America.

He can say whatever the hell he pleases. I don't care if he said that all Buddhists will end up as crack-whores serving Richard Gere in his mansion built from baby harp seal bricks held together with the sperm of 5000 homosexual AIDS victims. We can't pick and chose who gets to say what. It's up to you, the news consumer, to educate yourself so that the massive amounts of fluff and drivel the media throw at you can be filtered through your own, personal, empirical experience. We must learn, through research and intellect, to separate the fiction from the facts; the important from the useless.

Whatever Mel Gibson said, or did, is totally irrelevant to your day-to-day life, even if you are a Jew, a woman named Sugar Tits, or someone who thought Braveheart blew. He is just as entitled to his prejudices, bigotry and hatred as you are. Ann Coulter makes her living by cleverly marketing uninformed opinions one thousand times worse than anything Mel will ever say. Her ostensible rage and righteousness are so overwrought as to be actually cartoonish. And you're telling me the nation is held spellbound by a story of a guy who acts the way we've all seen a friend act after a night of heavy drinking?

Mel Gibson can hate Jews. He can make inflammatory statements about Jews. You know why? Cause he lives in America. You are no better or worse than he is.

Wake up and resist.


Foo said...

I just want to see another Mad Max movie!!! Or a Lethal Weapon Prequel, that way I can see that glorious mullet he sported early on, again. If he lived in Canada could we bitch and moan?

Highly Agitated said...
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Anonymous said...

what the fuck? Seriously. are you editing comments on this piece-of-shit-floating-e-nothing-space that like two people read? Really?!?