Monday, August 14, 2006

Glad Tidings

Good numbers today, folks. According to an AP poll, Bush's approval ratings have sunk to 33%, tying his all-time low. This is especially good news since, in the past, anything that cropped up relating to terrorism usually resulted in a boost for this jackass. Unaccountably, Bush's handling of terrorism has always been his strongest suit, producing his best numbers in polls.

The foiled terror plot in the UK has done absolutely nothing for him, however. (Assuming, of course, there actually was a plot. It all remains frustratingly vague, doesn't it?) His numbers haven't jumped up; quite the contrary, they have slipped to the aforementioned 33%. Americans are just sick of this guy. They know for a fact that he's a criminal, and those who can still deceive themselves that he's not are at least willing to admit that his policies are insalubrious, at best. The situation in Iraq is untenable, with constantly escalating violence and an explosive civil war, the seriousness of which has yet to be really addressed. Gas prices are crippling the nation while oil companies continue to rake in record profits. Afghanistan is sinking deeper into new conflict while Bush continues encouraging Israel's bellicose handling of its affairs.

It's got to stop, and the public is beginning to wake up to that. Last month, 20% of Americans said their congressional vote this fall would be, at least partially, to express their opposition to Bush. That number is now up to 29%. That means that nearly a third of the populace is willing to cast a vote for a Democrat simply to help oust the GOP's control of Congress. That's extremely welcome news, especially after Ned Lamont's victory over Joe Lieberman in Connecticut. It shows that wasn't an isolated event, and this trend could very well continue through midterms.

I myself still remain shocked at the public's recalcitrance to completely and overwhelmingly oppose Bush. The numbers are getting better (for those of us who like freedom and such) but they're still dismally low in a nation who has its nose rubbed in Executive arrogance and incompetence every day.

I don't have time to link you to all the sites or recommend all the books that prove my next assertions, but, believe me, the information is not hard to find. The Administration does nothing to cover its tracks, knowing it has nothing to fear from the media or the public. Help me prove them wrong.

Our children are dying because Bush has sent them to war under false pretenses. He is an abominable liar. While it's true that all politicians are liars, Bush is a gleeful, vicious prevaricator. He is surrounded by rich, white, elitist bastards who couldn't care less for your welfare. He is a right-wing, Christian fundamentalist and he's dedicated to turning our democracy into a theocracy. He's also a Rapture Christian, meaning he believes sometime very soon Jesus will come and lift the righteous to Heaven and leave the rest of us to languish on an evil, painful, no doubt smelly Earth. Despite this not being in the Bible, it's the reason Rapture Christians like him have no regard for the environment. Why bother trying to save it if the Rapture is on the way? The good people won't be here to enjoy it. Bush will never represent you or this country. His political moves will reflect his own desires and beliefs which pertain only to his money, his power, and the false notion that he has an immortal soul.

Wake up and resist.


Anonymous said...

you know, if you've been wondering why you haven't gotten any comments back lately, it might be bexcause its sort of boring to read the same shit that any semi-intelligent liberal who watches the news can spout. I miss the zen stuff, at least it was different.

Anonymous said...

psst... yeah, hunter s thompson you are not.

481 said...
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481 said...

True enough, anonymous. However, I write about what I feel like, and, lately, I haven't been moved to write about Zen. And I don't care much about getting comments, though I do appreciate your mean-spirited remark about Hunter.