Sunday, May 14, 2006

Back for the Attack

Aaahh, I'm home. Spent four days in Vegas, and, I have to say, I liked it better there. Warm weather, all sun and no rain, and free fuckin hootch.

Vegas is sweet because it's one of the few vacation spots where it's really OK to be a tourist. You go to the top of the Eiffel Tower, you see the lions at the MGM and the tigers at the Mirage; you gape at the inside of the Luxor and stride through the Bellagio half expecting to see Brad Pitt. You go to shows and yell and scream for the Blue Man Group and feel no compuction whatsoever at letting your mouth hang open at Cirque du Soliel.

I loved it. I threw money around like I was Sean Combs and gambled like I was Dennis Rodman. Not only was all this expected of me, I was never made to feel the least bit self-conscious about it. I gorged myself in fine French resaurants and made sure I rubbed my crab cakes all over my rare prime rib before eating with my elbows on the table. Why should they care how I behave? I'm willingly handing them my money in order to be able to act like a rock star. I was tempted to piss in a slot machine just to see what would happen. Of course, most rock stars wouldn't go broke in a measly four days, but, hey, I was just renting my status.

And what could cap off this vacation? What could make it OK that I left 90 degree weather at noon on Thursday to return to drizzly, cold, Lexington that night? I'll tell you what. Seeing the headline in Friday's paper that Ernie Fletcher has been indicted. Burn, you motherfucker.

Wake up and resist.


Anonymous said...

Rove's indictment is on the slate. And 29% is not the lowest Bush's approval rating will sink. I'm seeing 24% in about two months. If only there were a Democratic party worth a damn that could fill the void successfully when these inept criminals all get outsed and imprisoned like they deserve.

481 said...

No doubt. Of late, the Democrats are just as loud and inept as the Republicans. What's even funnier is that Katherine Harris, the Republican golden girl who helped rig the 2000 election doesn't have her party's support in her bid for a Senate seat. Jeb and Dubya are distancing themselves from her. How curious, since she obviously hates poor people blacks and Hispanics just as much as they do. Truthfully, though, they don't need her anymore. There is no third election to fix, and the further they are from her potential indictment, the better.

Anonymous said...

Terrorists, all of you.

Foo said...

Did you Double Down on twelve?