Friday, March 03, 2006

February Sucks

I apologize to my 3 semi-loyal readers for my lack of dedicated blogging in the month of February. As everyone knows (except, perhaps, the stinking commies), February sucks. While it is the shortest month (and, pointedly, Black History Month) it drags its ass like an old tired dog. Everyone is sick of winter by February, they're ready for the interminable professional ice hockey season to end and they've caught their third cold of the fucking winter. I myself am suffering from one right now. However, since I am a bartender, I'm not calling in sick. Oh, no. I'm going to work and I'm getting the goddam customers sick, too.

So, fuck you, February. We're glad you're gone. Take your useless President's Days and your stupid Groundhog Day and your wretched Valentine's Day and cram em all up your twisted little ass.


Anonymous said...

dude, you're just mad because you turned 32 in February, and we both know that February birthdays suck

Anonymous said...

oh, and by the way? Podge!