Friday, December 16, 2005

Hold Your Horses

Damn, but it's been forever since I've posted here. And this particular post is going to be very short. I just wanted to let my die-hard readers know that I'm not neglecting them, I'm just busier than a fiddler's bitch. I started this blog to force myself to write every day, and to write about something I care deeply about. And, of course, I suppose there's the off chance that someone will read it if they happen to Google "Crazed semi-literate rants on Buddhism and politics by tattooed, half-educated freaks with severe profanity disorders". However, it was created mainly for me to hone my writing and ranting skills, as well as to have an outlet to discuss (with myself) the world at large.

Which explains posts every day for three days and then this protracted absence. But, I SWEAR I have an excuse. I'm studying to be an EMT, so I can quit my shitty job bartending and take a pretty extreme pay cut to join a profession than saves people's lives. This Saturday is the first really big test, one of two that count. Next Monday is the REALLY big one, the one that, when you fail they say "OK, you're not an EMT." The state average on that second test is 33%, so I've been studying like mad. Every day I look forlornly at my computer as I read my "Emergency Care" book. Then, when I take a break, I ignore this page and download porn.

So there you have it. I haven't had the time lately to rant, or to discuss my Zen practice, which is blossoming like winter flowers. I haven't had time for much, except work and study. Even my sex life seems to be on hiatus. That's fairly excusable, as my wife is taking these tests with me. I'm also finding myself more and more interested in culture, society, politics and the like. This blog was originally (and perhaps a bit drunkenly) intended to be an exploration of Zen, but, the more I do it, the more I realize that I'm very much interested in other stuff.

I will return soon, I promise. Probably Monday night after the last test. Also after I put about six beers in me, to lubricate all my rant-joints and crazy-veins. Unless something else catches my admittedly capricious fancy, the next topic will be Intelligent Design, which I will preface with one small statement: it's fuckin stupid.

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