Thursday, November 16, 2006


This blog is all about change. As I've mentioned before, change is the one and only constant in our world. All things must reflect this.

The mighty Chair Leg of Truth has reflected this badly. It began as a place for me to talk about Zen. After awhile, my capricious interests became more intrigued with politcs. As time went by, I became more captivated by religion. In between all of these shifts were great periods of inactivity. I was not writing here because I was conflicted. For some reason I felt I should be concentrating in one major area, with minor deviations. The fact that I wanted to write about George W. Bush one day, my Zen teacher the next, and Islamic fascism on the third created a needless quandary that resulted in fewer posts.

This is not a political blog. It's not a religious blog. It's not a sexual blog, or an art blog, or a hateful blog or a compassionate blog. It's not a Zen blog. It is no one of these individual things, yet, as a whole, it is all of these and more.

I've come to accept this. I've made peace with it. I'm no longer attatched to the notion that this place will always conform to what I think it should be. I'm not in control and that's perfectly fine. I'm done struggling. This blog will be what it will be.

Zen is a Japanese translation of the Chinese word Ch'an, which is a translation of the Sanskrit word Dhyana, which roughly means "meditation." Meditation is not something Buddhists do on a cushion in a shrine room. It's not something that is cultivated for a half an hour and then left behind as the day progresses. It is not a stop-gap method to happiness. It is our mind's natural state. The act of "meditating" reveals that our minds, left alone, rest in a meditative awareness. When we realize this awareness is with us daily, we can relax and notice things without labelling them as "good" or "bad."

I will be back here much more frequently. Rather than avoiding this site because I don't feel I have something pointed, intellectual, and well-researched to say, I'll use this blog to reflect my daily awareness. Hopefully there are still a few of you out there interested in reading it.

All that being said, you know what I'm aware of right now? What I'm painfully, hyper-aware of right this second? What an unspeakable fucking douchebag O.J. Simpson is.

I'm back. Wake up and resist.


Anonymous said...

dude- absolutely. You don't always have to be the smartest kid on the block to have an opinion. Truth exists in even the most vapid tv shows, and nobody should have to feel like they have to footnote their sources. We're all just talking shit, anyway.

"Forget about faith! You didn't need faith to fly, you needed to understand flying." -Richard Bach

481 said...

Thanks, darlin. Could you leave your e-mail address here? I've lost it.

Anonymous said...

Branden has one too, can't remember it off the top of my head, but I'll get it to you if you're interested. He's currently living in a tent in New Jersey playing with grenade launchers, etc. He gets to come home for Christmas and will probably leave for Afghanistan mid Jan or Feb.

Miss you.