Tuesday, October 03, 2006

See! We're Not ALL Terrorists!

Two Muslim men hijacked a jet from Tirana to Istanbul, Turkey today, to protest the Pope's recent inflammatory speech that suggested a link between violence and Islam. That was good thinking.

The jet was forced to turn and head for Italy, where it landed. This, apparently, was the extent of their protest. Angry about the Pope's speech, and angrier still about a proposed papal visit to Turkey, these two guys made an Istanbul-bound flight land in Italy instead. According to the BBC, the terrorists are in a peaceful negotiation right now.

Despite these men being pretty laid-back for hijackers (the BBC reports that none of the 107 passengers were threatened or saw a weapon, and the two men admitted they would surrender as soon as the hihacking began), can anyone think of a worse way to protest allegations of violence than this? Obviously, these two men didn't set out to hurt anyone, and, equally obviously, the passengers were more confused than frightened, but, for fuck's sake, it's ridiculous. In our current age of trepidation regarding air travel, what kind of idiot would hijack a plane to send some kind of muddled message?

This is like my wife accusing me of being a violent man, and, to show her I'm not, I punch her in the gut instead of the face.

Terrorism Lite, to protest accusations of Full-Flavor Terrorism, is just the sort of retarded shit I've come to expect from Islam. Hell, you can see for yourself. Pay more attention to news from around the world; absorb as much as you can. You'll start to see folks making negative comments about Islam. Not a lot, because it's currently taboo to really criticize this hideous religion, lest we offend the crazy fuckers who practice it, but there are still people out there willing to point out the truth. When you find a critical remark about Islam, write it down. Keep it somewhere you'll see it every day. I guarantee, within a week, some dumb cunt will have done exactly what the critique was lamenting. The Pope says we're violent? We'll hijack a plane - that'll show him! The Danes have published cartoons that (barely) poke fun at Muhammad? We'll goddamn riot all over the world and start killing people! It's like Muslims are powerless to stop themselves from living up to all the negative aspects of their religion. Muslims the world over are upset about racial profiling in airports, but, what did all 19 of the 9/11 terrorists have in common? They were all fucking Muslims! Why should we ignore the one unifying piece of evidence we have? It's regrettable that those who peacefully practice Islam are subject to racial profiling, because it's certain that all Muslims are not terrorists. However, it's equally certain that the terrorists who mean us the most harm are all Muslims.

There are lots of arguments against racial profiling, many of them valid. I'm not arguing in favor of it, merely pointing out that if it walks like a Muslim, shoots like a Muslim, and delivers crazy rants about martying oneself in the cause of Muslims, perhaps being on the lookout for Muslims isn't a silly idea.

I imagine the two gentlemen who hijacked this flight will soon be receiving pretty stout punishments, their lack of malevolence aside. I hope they receive extra time in jail for being morons.

Wake up and resist.

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