Monday, July 17, 2006

What War?

The L.A. Times reports that when asked if the US was winning the war in Iraq, General Peter J. Schoomaker had to think for a good 10 seconds before he could reply. The General, known for his honesty, finally replied, "I think I would answer by telling you I don't think we're losing."

A resounding endorsement, to be sure. However, it was closely followed by this nugget of pure truth: "The becoming more complex, and it's going to continue to be. That's why I tell you I think we're closer to the beginning than we are to the end of this."

General George W. Casey, Jr., supreme commander of our forces in Iraq, has also said that, due to increasing sectarian violence, it appears the number of troops in Baghdad might go up, instead of down as he'd hoped.

Now, consider the position in which the GOP and the White House find themselves. They must rabidly support the war. They cannot point to many negatives in Iraq because every single one can be traced to their own lies leading to the war, and their aggressive incompetence in handling it. They must openly ridicule Democrats who push for a loose timetable to withdraw our troops. They must, in their own empty words, "Stay the course."

But the two people in charge of operations in Iraq are dubious about success. They are worried about the growing violence and instability of the entire region. Retired military officers, normally strong supporters of this sort of thing, have loudly called for Rumsfeld to be removed as Defense Secretary. The American public is becoming more and more convinced that the indisputable facts are indeed correct. Bush decided long before the war began that it would happen no matter what (see the Downing Street Memo); he manipulated and falsified information to try to convice the world this was justified (see Colin Powell's February, 2003 address to the U.N.); the entire Middle East is prepping for a brutal, all-out war (see Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, etc).

Faced with the overwhelming evidence pointing to their utter lack of credibility in regard to Iraq, what do you suppose Bush and Co. will do? What do you suppose they will instruct their GOP minions to do, or the castrated watchdogs who report news inside the Beltway? It's time for more prestidigitation, more issue waving and baiting and switching. They've already tried gay marriage and flag-burning, what's next? As Ziggy points out over on Highly Agitated, the right-wing attacks on Ned Lamont are cranking up. Look for the Repubs to really start getting into Dem-bashing as midterms draw nearer. Look for personal and idealogical attacks on Democratic candidates, as well as on any media that dare speak positively about them. Watch for more spastic applause as individual states continue to ban homosexual unions. Watch continued polls that show increasing opposition to the war be eclipsed by Republican talking points about Democracy in Iraq. Eventually, watch for those poll numbers to no longer even be reported by the mainstream media. Most of all, watch your back. Like any good magician, the GOP will be creating fire and flash and smoke, and while you're oohing and ahhing, their other hand is pick-pocketing more of your freedoms.

Wake up and resist.


Anonymous said...

How long can I be reasonably expected to check this blog without a new post?
It's a buzzkill to keep checking and keep seeing no new content.
Get it together.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. If he's on some kind of wanking bender, he could at least warn us. Wanker.

Highly Agitated said...

Hey, if Purple is rubbing one off for a week or so, I'm sure he'll be back with a long, hot post detailing the sextravaganza. We'll all be vicariously gratified, I'm sure.

In the meantime, go read Metropolitan. It's really good.

Anonymous said...

Blogging is a privelege. Not whimsical. Can't be treated like wanking and just doing it when the mood is on. Wank on us, mofo. Wank on us.