Friday, December 08, 2006

Allee Allee Oxen Free

Iran is going to host a world conference, supposedly featuring scholars from around the world, to investigate whether or not the Holocaust actually happened. It's about time. This will probably prompt Bush to convene a council to find out if we really landed on the moon in 1969.

Seriously, though, how can anyone be living in the world of the 21st century and have any doubts as to whether the Holocaust happened? There are people alive today who lived in European concentration camps. They still have numbers tattooed on their forearms.

And even if that weren't the case, what about the bigger question? How the fuck did we misplace SIX MILLION JEWS? If they didn't disappear into the extremely well-documented camps, where did they go? If they weren't involved in the most visible, high-profile, profligate genocide attempt in world history, where are they hiding?

And as for modern Jews, you guys need to give it up. The Bible says you're the chosen people, but, as we can see, it's as wrong about that as it is everything else. God apparently doesn't even like you. Unless he likes you the way a second grade boy likes a second grade girl: by pinching her, calling her names and pushing her down every chance he gets.

Wake up.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Now, Bullshit.

Right this very second there are eleven full-time exorcists working for the Catholic Church here in America. Just thought you should know.


Wake up.